how to measure vibration levels

How to measure vibration levels


On raising your vibration number

I get a number of applications to help people raise their vibration. And there are many people who offer this ... many video clips on youtube.

No matter what solution of raising your vibration to pick, you would better decide a few things beforehand.

Among the most important and most sobering steps is discovering what is your vibration when you start.

There are well-meaning people out there who will measure your vibration, whichever way they do it.

According to their results you may be in the Unconditional Love zone ...

But my experience with folks is that their vibration is much more in the range of anguish, anger, and pretension, than in the Unconditional Love zone ...

It is, in my humble opinion, not helpful to know merely your vibration score, people also refer to it as vibration.

Why is that? Just because your single number doesn't say enough.

It is a great deal like if I needed to assist you to a healthier lifestyle, but all I would have is your foot size .

If I truly wanted to assist you, I 'd get a whole lot more data, how big you are, etc. And then I 'd know, or would certainly be closer to know whether I can help you, and how.

I am a True Empath.

What is a True Empath? A True Empath is rare. A True Empath is able to hook up to any one thing or everything, specifically, and reliably, if there is enough information.

This means that I will be able to hook up to you if I have, for example your photograph.

How will I know I am connected? After a few secs I feel myself in your shoes, and feel your emotions.

The second reason it's important to be able to link to something reliably is the following: until I am connected to a unbiased third party who is omniscient, I am merely going to shoot blindly.

So this is what takes place: I link up to you. After that I connect to Source aka All-Knowledge. Now we form a triangle.

At this point I ask questions. And All-Knowledge suggested a code with me, very similar to what applied kinesiology make uses of ... with the difference that I am not using my own body to answer and know the truth, I am using my own body to obtain the response from All-Knowledge.

I have a series of question, that I question All-Knowledge about you, at the same time I am experiencing your emotions.

Source's replies are yes, no, yes/no, or bad question.

I call these 14 measurements your Starting Point Measurements.

They are a snapshot of you, vibrationally meaning.

The majority of the questions concern your mental outlook, your focus, your mindset, your capacities that are either activated or not.

And with that much information, it is simpler to respond to the question: what should I do now if I wish to raise my vibration?

From your figures I understand what is very important to you ... not what you say is important to you. You might deceive yourself, but you can not trick All-Knowledge.

When you have your measurement, I'll send them to you along with my suggestion.

OK, here is the payment button if you 'd like to know your Starting Point Measurements. Even when you don't do anything with them, it is a useful information ...

Another instrument I have been asked for is just as useful... your Bach Profile... This report actually pinpoints what is the Linchpin Thing that if you are able to change, you are able to change your whole the better. Great tool

Ask Sophie to measure your vibration. Better yet, ask her to measure your starting point measurements

Related to how to measure vibration levels:
how to measure body frequency


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